
my heart can't stop pounding
as i see you walk towards me, my stomach
a tsunami of butterflies once my eyes gaze onto your soft crust.
i probably shouldn't have met up with you but,
i can't help but want you
i can't help but miss your delicious, cheesy, smell.
distance is so hard, i wish i could see you
everyday. but sometimes we don't see each other for weeks
my stomach feels so empty without you
your taste and scent is just irresistible
i can't get enough of you
i need more!
hey waiter can i get another pepperoni slice?
as i see you walk towards me, my stomach
a tsunami of butterflies once my eyes gaze onto your soft crust.
i probably shouldn't have met up with you but,
i can't help but want you
i can't help but miss your delicious, cheesy, smell.
distance is so hard, i wish i could see you
everyday. but sometimes we don't see each other for weeks
my stomach feels so empty without you
your taste and scent is just irresistible
i can't get enough of you
i need more!
hey waiter can i get another pepperoni slice?
Pierce The Veil
I want to be king for a day and when
we're together I can't help but feel more than that. i don't care if you're contagious I just can't help but crave your sweet besitos let's grow old together and buy million dollar houses and fall in love over and over again just don't leave me now or else I'll face one hundred sleepless nights and all I'll be able to think about is your killer smile hold on til may so we can be together once again |
Part I
Jesus Christ, I miss you.
I'm over you, but I miss you.
I miss the sound of your voice,
You made even curses sound beautiful.
You said you loved me and then you just left me.
You left me because you fell in love some chick named c-dust.
To be honest I might've still kissed you, even if you had left over snow underneath your nose.
Miles away, yet I still felt so intoxicated when we spoke.
You made me so happy.
We don't talk anymore but,
I sometimes still wonder what your lips would taste like?
Cigarettes? Or maybe even your best friend Mary Jane?
I promise I'm over you,
But I want to hear your voice turn vulgar words into art just one more time.
I'm over you, but I miss you.
I miss the sound of your voice,
You made even curses sound beautiful.
You said you loved me and then you just left me.
You left me because you fell in love some chick named c-dust.
To be honest I might've still kissed you, even if you had left over snow underneath your nose.
Miles away, yet I still felt so intoxicated when we spoke.
You made me so happy.
We don't talk anymore but,
I sometimes still wonder what your lips would taste like?
Cigarettes? Or maybe even your best friend Mary Jane?
I promise I'm over you,
But I want to hear your voice turn vulgar words into art just one more time.
Part II
I promised to stop writing about you.
but my pen can't stop writing your name, my fingers can't stop typing those four letters
and my mouth can't keep your name out of it.
just the way your horrific name sounds coming out of my mouth is a terrible bliss.
you've had me wrapped around your finger for so long, when half the time you're out wandering about exploring life and I'm just.. here.
I was ready to give you the universe, I already gave you my heart
I thought you deserved more.
my heart thought you were worth it
but my head kept saying you weren't.
I followed my heart for too long and ended up lost and abandoned.
I've found my way out of the dark and I'm slowly starting to make my own path without you, and finding the way to give myself the universe instead of you.
but my pen can't stop writing your name, my fingers can't stop typing those four letters
and my mouth can't keep your name out of it.
just the way your horrific name sounds coming out of my mouth is a terrible bliss.
you've had me wrapped around your finger for so long, when half the time you're out wandering about exploring life and I'm just.. here.
I was ready to give you the universe, I already gave you my heart
I thought you deserved more.
my heart thought you were worth it
but my head kept saying you weren't.
I followed my heart for too long and ended up lost and abandoned.
I've found my way out of the dark and I'm slowly starting to make my own path without you, and finding the way to give myself the universe instead of you.

the demon Ansiedad stalks me, day and night
waiting for me to shatter and break like a mirror.
it’s like a game of tag. and he’s always it.
once i break, Ansiedad swoops in and captures me
then spirits me away into his dark den
i can’t leave, where’s the exit? i want to see the light again.
he loves to paint my body with bite marks,
but the pain is unbearable. i can't stop c r y i n g.
his arms are always finding a way to hug my neck tightly,
i can’t b r e a t h.
his cold heavy breathing touches my neck.
i can’t stop s h a k i n g.
is this your way of saying “i love you”?
Ansiedad, Anxiety, whatever you want to be called,
i hate you and i just want to be F R E E
waiting for me to shatter and break like a mirror.
it’s like a game of tag. and he’s always it.
once i break, Ansiedad swoops in and captures me
then spirits me away into his dark den
i can’t leave, where’s the exit? i want to see the light again.
he loves to paint my body with bite marks,
but the pain is unbearable. i can't stop c r y i n g.
his arms are always finding a way to hug my neck tightly,
i can’t b r e a t h.
his cold heavy breathing touches my neck.
i can’t stop s h a k i n g.
is this your way of saying “i love you”?
Ansiedad, Anxiety, whatever you want to be called,
i hate you and i just want to be F R E E
Warped Tour

excitement fills my stomach as I
enter the barrier that separates the regular world and ROCKTOPIA
stages of all different heights and sighs are scattered across the concrete.
the smell of: cigarette smoke, overpriced concert food, and sweat fills the air
crowds of antsy teenagers swarm towards the stages, trying to get first row.
my skin rubs against strangers as we jump together in harmony
we all scream in unison, chanting and singing our hearts out with the bands
as the songs get angrier, circles form into the crowds.
teens begin to lash out and let out all of the anger they've left boil up inside them for so long
and like a volcano eruption, punches and kicks are thrown into the air.
sun rays dance along my shoulders and face, leaving it's mark as if it's claiming it's territory.
feet begin to blister from the hours of; standing, moshing, jumping, walking, and running.
but no one cares
and everyone is happy
enter the barrier that separates the regular world and ROCKTOPIA
stages of all different heights and sighs are scattered across the concrete.
the smell of: cigarette smoke, overpriced concert food, and sweat fills the air
crowds of antsy teenagers swarm towards the stages, trying to get first row.
my skin rubs against strangers as we jump together in harmony
we all scream in unison, chanting and singing our hearts out with the bands
as the songs get angrier, circles form into the crowds.
teens begin to lash out and let out all of the anger they've left boil up inside them for so long
and like a volcano eruption, punches and kicks are thrown into the air.
sun rays dance along my shoulders and face, leaving it's mark as if it's claiming it's territory.
feet begin to blister from the hours of; standing, moshing, jumping, walking, and running.
but no one cares
and everyone is happy
Big Girl

I am a human
just a little bigger than your average
but I am human.
don't say "she's pretty for a big girl"
big girl is not an ethnicity
I am a person with feelings just like yours.
my stretch marks are the battle scars
I have accumulated over the years,
they grow like vines across my stomach and hips
but they do not define me
going for seconds, maybe even THIRDS
does not define me
f*** the people who have ruined half of my childhood telling me I wasn't good enough.
my heart will forever be greater, kinder and bigger than the people who put me down.
I am beautiful
and I am a big girl.
just a little bigger than your average
but I am human.
don't say "she's pretty for a big girl"
big girl is not an ethnicity
I am a person with feelings just like yours.
my stretch marks are the battle scars
I have accumulated over the years,
they grow like vines across my stomach and hips
but they do not define me
going for seconds, maybe even THIRDS
does not define me
f*** the people who have ruined half of my childhood telling me I wasn't good enough.
my heart will forever be greater, kinder and bigger than the people who put me down.
I am beautiful
and I am a big girl.
When Will Winter End?!
I'm so tired of feeling like I'm going to freeze to death!
when will winter end?!
my hair is constantly pressured by the frosty winds to hit my face
when will winter end?!
I swear I better not slip on ice again today,
I've already slipped 6 times!
when will winter end?!
my hands have become as blue as the evening sky
I wish to feel the rays of heat peak through the clouds and dance along my pasty skin,
turning my shoulders and cheeks a light red
I want to breathe in the warm dry air
and feel cool, gentle breezes flow through my hair
and push off new borne leaves off of the trees.
so when will spring begin once again?
goodbye to the dull, dead, shades of winter
and hello to the bright, lively colors of spring.
when will winter end?!
my hair is constantly pressured by the frosty winds to hit my face
when will winter end?!
I swear I better not slip on ice again today,
I've already slipped 6 times!
when will winter end?!
my hands have become as blue as the evening sky
I wish to feel the rays of heat peak through the clouds and dance along my pasty skin,
turning my shoulders and cheeks a light red
I want to breathe in the warm dry air
and feel cool, gentle breezes flow through my hair
and push off new borne leaves off of the trees.
so when will spring begin once again?
goodbye to the dull, dead, shades of winter
and hello to the bright, lively colors of spring.
Math Class
wtf is this?
is this even English?
I don't get this at all
WAIT...I think I get it!
JK this shit still doesn't make sense
social studies
I can handle this
wait wait wait. THE DBQ IS TODAY?
oh god, oH GOD
that was too easy, I must've read
everything wrong. sh*t.
does this count as an actual class or
is it considered an elective?
is this even English?
I don't get this at all
WAIT...I think I get it!
JK this shit still doesn't make sense
social studies
I can handle this
wait wait wait. THE DBQ IS TODAY?
oh god, oH GOD
that was too easy, I must've read
everything wrong. sh*t.
does this count as an actual class or
is it considered an elective?
I Am NOT Your Toy
that you can play with once every few months then just toss me like I meant nothing
I am a human being, just like you
I'm not the same pathetic, easy, girl I used to be a couple years ago.
I am so much stronger
I let you play with my heart so many times
knowing that each book in our series had the same ending.
I am not here to please you when you need it.
I am NOT your toy
My lips are no longer something you can steal precious kisses from.
My lips, my HEART, is much too valuable to get a hold of.
I am human, I am NOT your toy.
I am a human being, just like you
I'm not the same pathetic, easy, girl I used to be a couple years ago.
I am so much stronger
I let you play with my heart so many times
knowing that each book in our series had the same ending.
I am not here to please you when you need it.
I am NOT your toy
My lips are no longer something you can steal precious kisses from.
My lips, my HEART, is much too valuable to get a hold of.
I am human, I am NOT your toy.